









一雙純手工的紳士鞋,有一百六十多道工序,一般需要二十五天,才能成就!這還不包括依照個人的腳型製作楦頭的時間喔,這也難怪義大利的手工鞋會這麼貴 ....









1. Come with us and see how your shoes are made. 跟我來看看你的鞋子是如何製做的。

2. No step is more important than the picking of the best leather that can be bought. 沒有一個步驟比起挑選可採購的最好皮料更為重要。(安琪拉的註解:影片中的工人正在挑選的皮料很硬,因為這是用來做真皮鞋底的皮料。)

3. The “bend” is the best part of the hide, and is used for the outersoles of the shoes.彎曲度是觀察皮料中最重要的部位,而且是用於最外層的鞋底。

4. A machine shaves the outersoles to uniform thickness and stamps the size and thickness on each sole.機器將大底削成一致的厚度,並將鞋碼和厚度壓印在每一隻鞋底上。

5. Again they are looked over for the slightest imperfection. 再一次仔細地檢查鞋底,即使是細小的瑕疵也不被接受。

6. Innersoles are rounded to the same shape as the bottom of the last.中底要削邊成和鞋楦底部的形狀相同。(安琪拉的註解:鞋楦底部的形狀我們稱為中底板)

7. Watch and see what is done near the edge of this innersole.仔細看看這個中底的邊緣做了什麼處理。(安琪拉的註解:這是在中底上壓出一個凸起的邊框,接著會和中底內沿條組合在一起)

8. The welt will be sewed to the turned up edge. 沿條將會被縫到凸起的邊緣上。

9. Tough canvas is pasted on the innersole bottom to give more strength. This is called “gemming”.中底底部貼上粗帆布以增加強韌度。這步驟叫「補強」。



10.  Meanwhile, in the upper leather stock room, skins are being sorted.同時在鞋面皮料的儲存室裡,面部正在被挑選區分。

11.  Trained eyes and sensitive fingers search for slightest imperfection in these glove-like upper leathers.工人用精練的眼光和敏感的手指在這些像手套的面部皮料上,找出任何細小的瑕疵。

12.  Plump, top-grade leathers are expertly cut with the least possible waste.最好等級的皮料要被熟練地裁成面部,並且要達到最小的浪費。(安琪拉的註解:材料用斬刀裁切時,如何排刀以達到最小浪費,會影響到鞋子的成本高低,特別是真皮的鞋子。)

13.  Parts of the upper are cutting….Tip…Vamp…Quarters…Tongue.鞋面的各部位一一被裁切,如鞋頭尖、鞋頭面、鞋身、鞋舌。

14.  Perforations add styles and variety. 沖孔雕花增加了風格與多樣性。

15.  The edge of upper are shaved, to prevent thickness where they overlap or fold.鞋面的邊緣要削薄,以避免在鞋面部位交疊或褶邊時厚度太明顯。

16.  Result….tip and vamp join snugly and comfortably.接著把鞋頭尖片和鞋頭面緊貼地和順服地合併在一起。

17.  Strong reinforcing flannel called “doubler” gives further body and strength to the upper.強韌的綿絨補強稱為「加倍補強」,這可以讓鞋面多一層鞋體與強度。

18.  The tip is stitched to the vamp.把鞋頭尖片車縫到鞋頭面上。

19.  Fancy stitching, like perforations give the shoe more style.別緻的車線就像沖孔雕花一樣,給予鞋子更多的風格。

20.  “Back seaming”…joining the quarters.「後跟部位車翻合縫線」是把內外腰的鞋身合併起來。



21.  The parts of the lining are stitched together and the tongue attached.內裡的各部位被車在一起,並且將鞋舌組合起來。

22.  “Top-stitching”…the completed lining is stitched to the joined quarters.「鞋口車線」是將完整的內裡車到合併後的鞋身上。

23.  “Eyeletting”打上鞋眼扣

24.  Temporary lacing holds the upper in proper position when it is placed on the last.打上臨時性的鞋帶,它可以在鞋面攀到鞋楦上時把鞋面固定在適當的位置上。

25.  “Vamping” completes the upper ….the vamp with the tip attached is stitched to the quarter.裝上鞋頭面讓面部更完整。將有鞋頭尖片的鞋頭面車縫到鞋身上。

26.  The innersole is tacked to the wooden last, the foundation of which on the shoe is built.把中底釘到木製鞋楦上,鞋子的基座就建立好了。

27.  “Assembling”…the various parts of the shoe are put together and tacked to the last.「組合」,把鞋子各個部位組合在一起,並釘到鞋楦上。

28.  Notice the counter, at the back of the shoe. It supports the heel and give the shape.注意後套港寶,在鞋子後跟處。它支撐鞋子整個後跟,並給予鞋子型狀。(安琪拉的註解:很多鞋口會開開的就是用錯後套港寶,不是材質用錯,就是定型不夠。)

29.  After the man put the toe box in, steel fingers pull the upper over the last and tack it tightly.當師博把鞋頭襯片放入後,機器手指會將鞋面拉攀到鞋楦底部,然後緊緊的釘牢。



30.  This is how這就是如何…(目前看到影片1132秒,休息一下吧!)

31.  Now the machine temporarily tacks the upper part of the shoe to the innersole.現在機器暫時地將鞋子部份鞋面釘到中底上。

32.  Again, what how this is done.再一次,仔細看清楚這怎麼完成的。

33.  “Heel-lasting”…the heel and counter are lasted in at the heel.「後跟攀楦」,前面都只是攀了鞋頭到鞋腰部位的鞋面,現在要來將後跟與後腫的鞋面攀到鞋楦上。(安琪拉的註解:前後半部不一起攀楦的原因是一來結構不同,用來攀楦的機器也不同。二來是一起攀容易起皺。)

34.  “Bed-lasting”…this machine wipes in the upper and fastens it at the toe.「基底攀楦」,這台機器再次把鞋尖部位的鞋面拉緊並釘牢。

35.  …at the same time the front part is temporarily wired.同時,鞋頭部位要暫時地用金屬線固定。

36.  The Goodyear welt is sewed through the upper to the lip of the innersole.將固特界沿條車透過鞋面到中底的唇部。

37.  In slow motion.慢動作再看一次。(安琪拉的註解:除了後跟部位,其他部位都有縫上沿條)

38.  The shank, which supports the arch of the foot, is tacked into place.把中插釘到中底適合的位置上,中插可以支撐腳底的弧度。

39.  A ground cork filling is put into the space between the inner and outersoles and acts as a cushion for the foot.將軟木屑渣填充在前掌中底和大底之間的空間,並可以做為腳的減震墊。



40.  To fasten it so that it may be shaped, the outsole is cemented on, under heavy pressure.把真皮鞋底用加高壓的方式黏牢,以便成型。

41.  Shaping the sole to the lines of the last.延著鞋楦的線條修剪真皮鞋底。(安琪拉的註解:影片中其實是延著固特異沿條的位置來修剪直皮鞋底。)

42.  This machine stitches the outersole to the welt.這台機器將鞋底和沿條車在一起。(安琪拉的註解:所以固特異沿條會車二道車線,第一道是第36點的車線。)

43.  The needles carry two threads, which comes in from the top and the bottom, crossing and forming a loop in the middle.針會帶出二條車線,各別從上方和底部穿出,並在中間交錯並形成一個圈。

44.  The leveler moulds the sole to the bottom of the last, particularly under the arch. 校平機器將皮底整型和鞋楦底部的弧度一致,特別是在足弓處。

45.  The heel base and top lift are nailed to the shoe.將鞋跟基底和天皮釘到鞋底上。

46.  Here we see an extra nailing of the leather top lift to the heel base.這裡我們可以看到額外的釘子將皮質的天皮釘到鞋跟基底上。

47.  The final trimming of the sole.將鞋底邊緣做最後的修整。

48.  Hot vibrating irons pound the edge of the sole, giving it a hard, polished surface.用熱震動鐵捶捶平鞋底邊緣,讓邊緣更硬,且有光澤。

49.  Waxing and polishing the sole of the shoe.將鞋底上蠟並拋亮。

50.  Cleaning and beautifying the welt and upper.清潔並美化沿條和鞋面。

51.  The wooden last is taken out of the shoe.拔出木製鞋楦。(安琪拉的註解:影片中可以看到拔掉鞋楦後,也順手把暫時性的鞋帶拆掉。)

52.  The new “spray-gun” method of applying the last dressing gives uniform luster to the shoe.新的噴槍方式可以幫鞋子做最後的處理,讓鞋子有一致的光澤。(安琪拉的註解:幫鞋子表面噴上液態蠟。)

53.  No shoes leave the factory without a last strict inspection.鞋子沒做最後嚴格的品檢時是不能出貨的。(安琪拉的註解:最後的品檢人員要核對鞋子的尺碼,二隻腳的後跟高度、鞋口寬度、鞋面顏色光澤….等有沒有一致。)




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